Touch typing

Touch typing is a method of typing that uses all your fingers without needing to look at the keyboard. It is a fast, efficient way of typing. AgileFingers is a free online practice that teaches you how to master this technique, with fast typing exercises broken down into lessons, texts, and games. Additionally, there is a typing test to measure your progress.

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Free online typing practice

AgileFingers offers a range of exercises to help you learn touch typing effectively. The touch typing learning process in our typing practice program involves the following steps, accessible from the top application menu:

Let's look closer at each of these steps.

  • Setting a goal for yourself will establish a challenge that will motivate you. Thanks to reaching higher and higher goals, you can verify how much you benefit from taking the typing practice. Setting a challenge makes it easier to measure your successes and keep going until you achieve your desired typing speed.
  • Typing exercises can significantly improve your touch typing skills. AgileFingers offers various carefully designed activities, including lessons for specific keys, full-text practices, and even typing games. It is recommended to start with the lessons to develop proficiency and then progress to full texts where you type using all ten fingers. And when you need a break, you can have some fun by playing typing games.
  • The typing test allows you to measure your progress. Knowing your current typing capabilities and how much learning you still need helps you decide which exercises best suit your needs.

Please remember that learning is supposed to be something pleasant. If you don't feel like doing the keyboard typing lessons, practice only with texts. If you fill like having more fun, play the typing games. If setting a speed goal is too stressful, set it to the lowest possible value and never take a test or do it when you feel sure you have reached the desired typing speed.

AgileFingers does not impose the order of exercises. Everyone learns differently. The most important thing is not to be discouraged from learning, even at the cost of lesser progress in touch typing speed. It is better to make little but regular progress than to have a long, exhausting session of learning to type faster and then postpone the next session indefinitely.


Touch typing seems to be a straightforward topic. You just put your fingers on the keyboard and type. Yet, even the simplest activity has its background. Various topics regarding typing practice and interacting with your computer are discussed in other AgileFingers sections and articles. These are probably not very exciting topics to discuss for most people, yet knowing some typing-related theories might be useful if you have a desk job or are a student and spend a lot of time typing. That's why we are introducing Mentor - the typing expert making learning touch typing a tiny bit more fun. He will gladly share his wisdom regarding AgileFingers typing practice and different touch typing topics.

Meow! I'm Mentor, the typing guru, ready to share touch typing facts and tips.

Typing in English

If your native language is English, then you are lucky when it comes to mastering touch typing. The English alphabet is straightforward, and there are practically no nuances when it comes to typing. With AgileFingers, you'll be able to learn how to type quickly and accurately with its comprehensive typing lessons and exercises. By doing so, you can type English words and sentences more efficiently. Typing in English is probably the easiest of all the languages. Keyboards are directly created to support the English alphabet most efficiently. English has no diacritics or accents, so you do not need to use key combinations when typing. However, you still may want to learn touch typing techniques using a foreign language. In that case, you need to know that it may not be as easy as some alphabets have more characters, and some keyboards may support some languages rather poorly. AgileFingers can help you with mastering typing nuances of many other languages. To learn more about the touch typing system, check out this article from Wikipedia.

If you are typing special characters, such as those used in programming, AgileFingers can help you type faster and more efficiently. AgileFingers provides a range of special keyboard exercises to help you become more familiar with typing special characters quickly and accurately. Additionally, you can adjust the exercises to your needs as you track your progress in our program.

In the realm of programming, touch typing practice becomes invaluable when it comes to efficiently and accurately typing frequently used special characters. Characters such as &, *, ., +, -, $, %, and ! hold great significance in coding, playing vital roles in logical conditions, variable definitions, and string concatenation, among other operations. Developing fluency in typing the special characters through regular touch typing practice allows you to seamlessly type your code without distruptions. You won't need to wonder how to press a particular character, so you will concentrate on the content, not on the process of typing.

Touch typing pays off

Learning touch typing has many benefits. It can save time, reduce errors, and enhance computer proficiency.

Mastering touch typing allows you to type quickly and accurately without looking at the keyboard. This saves time and reduces the number of errors you make. Your typing can become faster, and more efficient, which can help improve your overall computer proficiency.

Improved typing can also help you in your day-to-day work. It is not uncommon for people to spend hours a day typing emails, documents, and other materials. By learning touch typing, you can reduce the time spent on these tasks and thus free yourself up for more productive activities.

As the leading creator of AgileFingers, I was inspired by my personal experience of how effective touch typing can be. Before I began to study computer science, I learned touch typing. I practiced every day for a year and realized the huge benefits touch typing provides. Many years later, I decided to create a typing practice that wasn't available when I studied fast typing techniques.

Touch typing is a valuable skill that can help many aspects of life. With spending some time on typing practice, anyone can learn to type faster and more accurately, leading to a more efficient and productive work or school experience.

Additionally, touch typing can positively impact your overall health and well-being. Repeatedly looking at the keyboard and using the mouse can be tiring and cause strain to your eyes, wrists, and arms. With touch typing, less strain is placed on your neck, shoulders, and wrists since you don't have to move your eyes to the keyboard to locate keys. This can help to reduce stress on your body and keep you healthier.

Other benefits are discussed in the article: Reasons why you should learn touch typing

Essential typing techniques

Touch typing is an essential technique for increasing your typing speed and accuracy. Proper hand and finger positioning are critical for efficient typing; each finger should be assigned to a specific key. The two keys with the bumps are the most important keys in the standard QWERTY keyboard, which are represented by keys "F" and "J." Your pointing fingers should gently rest on these keys. We discuss the key-finger placement in another article.

It is also essential to maintain good posture while typing. Sit up straight and keep your wrists straight. Ensure the keyboard is at a comfortable height and angle so your wrists are in a neutral position. You may also want to use a wrist rest to provide additional support and comfort.

Finally, and what is most apparent, you should learn touch typing. The easiest way to increase your typing speed and accuracy is to use AgileFingers typing practice.

Practice typing and grow

Embark on a rewarding journey of touch typing mastery with AgileFingers! By practicing regularly and tracking your progress, you can unlock the full potential of your typing skills. The good news is that if you practice regularly, you will improve your typing skills. There is no way it doesn't work.

Our typing program offers a range of elements and challenges that make each practice session engaging and enjoyable. Earn badges for daily practice frequency and get trophies for reaching your goals. Experience a state of mind that you do what is right, seeing your typing speed soar as you learn to type faster, all while having fun along the way. Don't miss the opportunity to transform typing into an exciting skill-building adventure. Use AgileFingers regularly and discover the joy of becoming a pro at touch typing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you will find answers to some of the most common questions about touch typing and the AgileFingers typing practice.

What is touch typing?

Touch typing is a typing technique that involves typing without looking at the keyboard. All ten fingers are actively utilized in touch typing to achieve optimal typing efficiency and speed.

Why is touch typing important?

Fast typing without looking at the keyboard is crucial for your productivity because it can improve typing speed and accuracy and help you save lots of time. Additionally, touch typing allows for a more comfortable and ergonomic typing experience, reducing the risk of strain associated with the wrong hand and finger positioning.

How can I learn touch typing quickly?

Learning touch typing requires practice and consistency. You can quickly improve your touch typing skills by following structured touch typing lessons and exercises, practicing regularly, and focusing on proper finger placement.

Are there any online touch typing courses available?

Numerous online touch typing courses and tutorials support your learning at your own pace. AgileFingers typing practice stands out as one of the most comprehensive options, offering interactive exercises, games, and progress-tracking features that enhance your learning experience.

Can touch typing reduce typing errors and increase efficiency?

Touch typing should significantly reduce typing errors and increase typing efficiency. By developing muscle memory and typing without looking at the keyboard, you can type more accurately and quickly, saving time and improving overall productivity.

How long does it take to master touch typing?

The time required to master touch typing varies from person to person. You can see noticeable improvements with consistent practice within a few weeks to a few months. Regular practice is critical to achieving mastery in touch typing.

What are the essential techniques for touch typing?

Essential techniques for touch typing include proper finger placement, correct posture, relaxed wrists, and using all fingers to type. Learning these techniques helps to improve typing speed, accuracy, and overall efficiency.

Can touch typing be learned on different keyboard layouts?

Touch typing can be learned on various keyboard layouts, including QWERTY, AZERTY, or Dvorak. The fundamental principles of touch typing involve using all fingers, and proper finger placement does concern all keyboard layouts.

How can touch typing benefit my career?

Touch typing can benefit your career by improving typing speed and accuracy, essential skills in many professions. It enhances productivity, saves time, and can give you a competitive edge in the job market.

How do I use AgileFingers?

Start by setting your goal—the typing speed you want to achieve. Then, you can exercise lessons focusing on particular keys. When you feel confident, try exercising on full texts for general mastery. Test your skills regularly using the typing test, and as you pass it, take a higher typing speed goal.

Is AgileFingers typing practice free?

AgileFingers program is free for everyone to access and use. We want to help make the touch typing practice accessible to as many people as possible, so you can use AgileFingers whenever you want.

Start typing practice now

Ready to get started? Before you begin, remember:

  • Press each key with the same finger as the virtual hands do.
  • Use your keyboard, not the one you see on the screen (it is only a help in typing).
  • When learning, accuracy is more important than speed.
With AgileFingers, you can master touch typing and take your typing skills to new heights. Start practicing touch typing as soon as possible. It will pay off!