타자 연습 - 연습 7

닫고 입력 시작

In this lesson on 터치 타이핑, you'll learn to type with your little fingers. Depending on what keyboard layout you have, it may be a little easier or more difficult. Some laptop or desktop keyboards have 13 keys in the top row of non-numeric keys, others only 12. It depends on whether the keyboard you use for typing has a large or a small "Enter" key.

You may think that since there are so many keyboard layouts - at least 4 basic ones that can be found in AgileFingers settings, there is no point in learning only one. You may think that when you will change your keyboard, you will need to learn to type again without looking at it. Relax, it's not like that. There are actually differences in the arrangement of the keys for different keyboards, but they relate to several keyboard keys, and these are rarely used keys such as "|", "\", "<", or ">". These nuances look different for different languages, but by learning to type fast you focus on one language.

I do not see any contraindications to type natively in English using the QWERTY layout and then switch to French, where the AZERTY system is most common. I would not change the keyboard in my operating system to use a different keyboard layout. Obviously, it is important that the keyboard language supports diacritical marks specific to the language in which you type on your keyboard.

It doesn't matter if your keyboard layout is one or another, or you use different keyboards alternately and you need to switch between different key layouts. It is important to always click keys with the correct fingers. It is better to look at the keyboard and click with finger that is destined for it, than to type without looking at the keyboard, but doing it incorrectly and making a lot of mistakes.