타자 연습 - 연습 3

닫고 입력 시작

This is the last lesson of the 터치 타이핑 course that concerns the base row of keys. This is also the first lesson for both of little fingers. If you master typing with your little fingers on the reference row of keys, it will be quite good. From now on, all fingers will be in use. The fact is that we have had lessons only for one row of keyboard keys, but this is a solid basis for further learning.

Typing on the keyboard using small fingers is something that hardly anyone does. Small fingers are ignored by most people as they are the least cmfortable for typing and need more training than other fingers. If you have a chance, have a look at a typical person who has not used any keyboard typing techniques. It is unlikely that that person uses small fingers for typing. I am not surprised at all. The little finger is the weakest and smallest of all fingers. It is located on the edge of the palm.

Typing on the keyboard with small fingers is tiring at first. If you've never before used these fingers to type, it won't be easy to get used to doing so. During typing your fingers may hurt. Do not worry. This is normal. Similarly, when learning playing the guitar, your fingers hurt - especially the fingertips of your left hand. Pain accompanies every kind of effort. Unless you're not ready for some pain ... then you run the risk of letting go. Do not do this. You can minimize the pain of typing.

The clue for eliminating pain caused by typing is rest. You can just walk away from the computer for a while. You can stand up and shake your hands several times. Let your fingers be relaxed. Stretch your hands, move your wrists in circles.

Another element that relaxes muscle tone is a slight stretching of the fingers. Try tilting each finger toward the outside of the hand. Don't do it too hard. Fingers are not meant to make any cracking sound. Remember that 터치 타이핑 technique is supposed to something that improves your quality of life and not be a source of pain.