It would seem that to type on the keyboard more quickly, you must just type a lot. It may also seem that it will just work itself out or that if you look at the keyboard and try to press the keys as quickly as possible, you will achieve an incredible typing speed. Unfortunately, both of these approaches make you perpetuate lousy typing habits. The more often you misuse your keyboard, the harder it will be to learn to type later with the correct fingers. But why should you type on the keyboard using ten fingers slowly when you can type with two fingers fast? Or why should you use any typing convention at all? We will try to answer these questions.
Type more accurately
A common mistake when learning to type faster on the keyboard is focusing only on speed. Consider whether you want the text you enter to be full of typos, missing punctuation, and challenging to read. You obviously do not want that, so it may be worth focusing on typing correctly. So what about speed? To answer how to type on the keyboard faster, you must open your mind to a different approach. You do not have to spend time correcting mistakes if you type correctly. You do not have to go back and read what you have already entered. If you do not make typos, you can focus on speed. When learning fast typing does not bring any results, slow down, focus on not making typos, and, in time, you will start typing more accurately.
Practice makes perfect
Without regular exercise, it will be challenging to master the keyboard. Typing is not enough; you must often learn to type correctly. However, one condition for the exercises to be practical is to type on the keyboard correctly. When talking about how to type faster on the keyboard, the key requirement is to type correctly and not make typos. Pressing the correct key with the proper finger and not making mistakes is the key to learning how to type faster. There are no strict rules on how much you should practice daily, but the more you exercise, the better.
Since the most crucial aspect of quick typing exercises is ensuring you do not make mistakes, you should focus more on the typing activity rather than the text you type. You will not be able to concentrate properly when trying to get your work done quickly or being creative while writing an essay. You need dedicated time for learning.
Get used to your keyboard
If you want to know how to type faster, you should be conscious of the keyboard layout you want to use. Not every keyboard is the same, even if you use the same language. Some keyboards contain 104 keys, others 105, and some even 106. Some have a small "Enter" button, while others have a larger one. Similarly, they can have either a long or short spacebar button. Most differences concern laptop keyboards since manufacturers design them to fit within various laptop sizes or small keyboards dedicated to tablets, which may not accommodate a full-sized keyboard.

Almost every keyboard has keys in the middle. The most common layout contains the letters "F" and "J" in the middle. The middle keys usually have small bumps that make them feel different from other keys. Your index fingers should rest on these keys as you type on the keyboard. They act as reference points for clicking every other key. They allow you to find the correct keys instinctively. When using touch typing techniques, the process of locating keys becomes subconscious.
Take care of your body
It is obvious that your hands and fingers are the most essential parts of your body when typing on the keyboard. Just like in any sport involving hands, they need a warm-up, primarily if you use a computer for eight hours a day. Any finger, hand, and wrist stretching (such as making circular motions) is recommended. Stabbing your fingers and moving your wrists between typing sessions is also significant. When you feel your hands getting tired, please give them a rest. Then, shake your fingers and hands to relax them.
Your posture while sitting at a computer significantly affects how you type on the keyboard. The correct body position allows you to be more relaxed and less fatigued. Several guidelines exist for positioning your desk, chair, and monitor height. The illustration below shows all the basic rules.

How to type faster while maintaining the correct body posture? You should sit upright. Like your elbows, your knees should be bent at almost right angles. Adjust your desk to a position that allows you to sit comfortably. Usually, desks are not highly adjustable, but desk chairs are. Since not everyone is the same height, you should adjust your chair to match the height of your desk. The issue is more complicated for small children, who should not sit in adult chairs when using a computer. Instead, they should use specially designed chairs that are adapted for children. There are also chairs with footrests if a child's feet do not reach the floor.
Keep your pace comfortable
How to type faster while maintaining typing comfort? It is vital to find a typing pace that feels natural and comfortable. Please do not focus on speed alone, as it will make learning to type faster tiring and put unnecessary pressure on you. Typing should be a pleasant experience. Do not discourage yourself! This often happens when learning speed reading; too much emphasis is placed on speed, and some people lose interest in reading altogether. They may read faster after a course but no longer enjoy it. The subconscious mind starts associating reading with stress and effort rather than pleasure. If you push yourself to type faster at all costs, you may experience the same result. It is better to achieve results gradually than to give up altogether. Remember, this principle applies to any form of learning. Learning should be enjoyable; otherwise, it can turn into a frustrating experience.
It is helpful to incorporate small typing challenges into your daily typing practice and exercises. Instead of pressuring yourself to reach a specific words-per-minute goal immediately, set incremental targets and track your progress. This will help you develop a natural and sustainable typing rhythm.
Optimize finger movements
Another essential tip on how to type faster is to minimize unnecessary finger movements. Keeping your fingers close to the main (middle) keyboard row and reducing excessive hand movement can significantly improve your speed and efficiency. Instead of lifting your hands too high or stretching too far for keys, maintain a relaxed and natural position. Additionally, using keyboard shortcuts for everyday actions, such as copying and pasting, can enhance your typing speed by reducing the need for repetitive keystrokes. The more you refine your finger movements, the more effortless and fluid your typing will become.
Develop a steady rhythm
How to type faster rhythmically? Developing a steady typing rhythm is one of the most effective ways to improve typing speed. Instead of rushing and slowing down interchangeably, maintain a balanced pace where each keystroke follows a natural flow. Practicing with a metronome or listening to rhythmic music can help establish a consistent typing speed. Over time, this approach reduces unnecessary pauses and enhances overall accuracy, allowing you to master how to type faster with greater ease.
Touch typing
Touch typing is a technique that involves typing without looking at the keyboard. The most important aspect of touch typing is maintaining the correct hand position and being consistent with the finger-key convention. To type without looking at the keyboard, follow all the previous recommendations in this article. It is essential to initially place your index fingers on the special keys (usually "F" and "J"). These keys serve as reference points for all fingers.
When learning to type faster, it is crucial to focus on both accuracy and the correct use of fingers for each key. How to type faster on the keyboard? Do not be afraid to glance at the keyboard when first learning. Pressing the correct key with the proper finger is more important than avoiding looking at the keyboard. This may seem counterintuitive, but it is an effective strategy. Your muscles will develop a memory when you press a keyboard key. You will unconsciously perpetuate this activity within your muscles. Using the wrong fingers can mislead your muscle memory and create bad habits, hindering your typing accuracy and, thus, your speed in the long run. Even if you currently look at the keyboard while learning, over time, you will stop doing so naturally as your muscle memory takes over.
Many websites call themselves a touch typing course. As in every field that exists on the Internet, there are a lot of choices. Why did we create AgileFingers? We believe that the key to typing faster is accuracy. AgileFingers focuses on learning the correct hand positioning and finger-key mapping. That is why we created virtual hands that show which finger to use. Speed is less important in the initial stages of mastering the keyboard.
We designed this course with great care. AgileFingers is continuously evolving because we know that with fast typing, without looking at the keyboard, you will be healthier, more relaxed, and save a lot of time. If you are wondering how to type faster efficiently, AgileFingers provides structured exercises that help you gradually increase your speed while maintaining accuracy.
How do I type faster? Improving your typing speed is not just about pressing keys faster; it requires accuracy, technique, and consistent practice. By focusing on proper finger placement, minimizing unnecessary hand movements, and maintaining a steady rhythm, you can gradually increase your typing speed while reducing errors. Additionally, taking care of your posture and using ergonomic equipment will help you type on the keyboard comfortably for extended periods without strain.
If you genuinely want to answer the question of how to type faster, the key answer is to be patient and practice regularly. Incorporating structured exercises, using typing software, and challenging yourself with new typing tasks will help you progress steadily. With dedication and the right approach, you will type faster and improve your overall efficiency and productivity.