Teacher zone

You need to sign in in order to use the teacher zone

The teacher zone allows you to track students' keyboard typing speed and accuracy. You can aggregate students into groups (classes) and assign tasks to students within those groups.

Actions within the teacher zone

There are the following basic actions that you can do in the teacher zone:

+ class
Once you create a class, you will be redirected to the class view page. The list of all classes created by you and their access codes is on a lined piece of paper on the right side of the screen.
+ student
Adding a student to a school class.
+ task
Assigning tasks to all students of a given class.

Accessing class by students

Below, you can see a sample school class. Two students are already assigned to that class.

sample class
+ student
student access code
Libby Kate
Murphy Dade
+ task
in-class assignment
class access code: C123456

A student can connect to a class in the student zone.

When creating a class, you can define different ways to connect to that class. They are the following:

  1. Connecting via access code: Each student within a class has an access code. This is the most basic way of connecting to a class.
    Example: 000001
  2. Connecting by giving a class access code and the exact name (as it was previously created) of an existing student. In this case, that name must be previously created.
    Example: C123456 + kate libby
  3. Connecting by entering a class access code and entering the new student's name, nickname, etc. In this way, the student gets created within, and there is no need for a teacher to create that student on their own.
    Example: C123456 + Parker Chris

The teacher can change These ways of accessing a class, e.g., initially, students can add themselves to the class, but later the teacher can block this ability.

Assigning tasks

It is significant to understand that the teacher can only monitor students' activities within the student zone, i.e., the results of tasks created by the teacher. The teacher cannot view other students' activities within AgileFingers.

The teacher assigns tasks to the entire class, not individual students.

To assin a task you click + task link in a class's view page. You can choose lessons and texts that will be done by the students within that task. You can create custom texts that will be added to the task - these texts are only visible within the teacher zone.

Two types of tasks can be assigned to a class:

  • In-class assignment - a task with a time limit of up to 90 minutes. It is suitable for quick tasks, especially those done in a classroom. If you edit an existing in-class assignment task, the in-class assignment duration is reset after you save it.
  • Homework - a task that has an expiry date. Suitable for tasks that do not require quick finishing.

If a student completes part of an assignment, it can be viewed in the assignment view in the teacher zone. In the case of in-class assignment, there is a special button that refreshes students' scores after it is clicked.

The above information is everything you need to know about the teacher zone. You can delete everything you create, e.g., remove a student or a class. All records that belong to that class or student, a task, or whatever else you create will be removed. For instance, removing a class will result in removing all students assigned to it and all tasks with students' results, etc.

Now we can discuss some general topics regarding teaching typing.

AgileFingers at school

AgileFingers program enables teachers to monitor students' progress systematically, providing a comprehensive view of each learner's results. With the ability to assign homework and in-class tasks, educators can tailor lessons to different class levels.

AgileFingers empowers teachers to guide students toward touch typing mastery, ensuring they develop essential skills for effective communication and higher productivity. Apart from the standard assignments the teacher can give, students can also use all AgileFingers features, e.g., games.

Typing club

The teacher and student zones are not only for schools. Anyone can log in, create a class, and add some people who will do the tasks they assign. This wouldn't be a typical class but a typing club. The students can be the club creator's kids or friends. AgileFingers is great for homeschooling and creating a typing club for one's kids.

We didn't change the terminology for a typing club. We use the same terms as a typical school class, but this is only a naming convention. The gist is the same: there is a person who assigns tasks to a group of people (or just to one person) who can have insight into their typing results. Whether you call it a typing club or a school class, the goal is to help a group of people develop their keyboard typing skills.

A student can also create a typing club as an extracurricular activity. It can be an additional way to get a good mark for participating in computer skills development.

Why teach touch typing?

With most of our online communication and work, the ability to type swiftly and accurately can greatly impact one's daily productivity. Learning touch typing skills as early as possible is crucial for students. The sooner students start practicing speed typing, the faster they will likely become proficient. This skill boosts their efficiency in school and academic tasks and paves the way for future professional success.

By initiating the learning process in children's formative years, students have a better chance of mastering the keyboard layout, improving their typing speed, and reducing spelling errors. Engaging early in typing classes can also help students cultivate proper typing habits, such as correct hand and finger positioning, which can be harder to adjust later in life.

Moreover, early exposure to speed typing allows students more time to adapt to the touch typing method, eventually making typing a second nature to them. With the world shifting towards digital communication, the ability to type swiftly and accurately is not just a skill - it's a necessity. For academic essays, emails, or workplace reports, proficiency in speed typing can be a game-changer. Therefore, integrating typing classes into their regular curriculum from an early age helps students get ahead in the digital world.

Furthermore, touch typing offers additional benefits beyond efficiency. Mastering this skill can minimize the risk of common keyboard-related injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, it significantly reduces errors caused by mistyping, ensuring the accuracy and quality of your work.

Thanks to AgileFingers, computer science teachers can provide students with vast opportunities to practice touch typing. Whether through dedicated typing classes or by encouraging the formation of a typing club, fostering this skill early on can empower students to excel in their digital endeavors and confidently navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology.


Touch typing is an important skill that can help students succeed in school and their later careers. Teachers can ensure that their students are prepared for the future by teaching them proper techniques and providing resources for practice. The teacher zone in AgileFingers enables the creation of multiple typing classes or typing clubs that aggregate learners. The coordinator (usually called a teacher) can assign tasks and control student's progress.

By teaching touch typing in schools, teachers can help prepare students for the future and give them valuable life skills that will last them a lifetime. It is an important part of any student's education and should not be taken lightly.

Every student should be able to learn and practice touch typing, and teachers can help make that happen. With the right guidance, resources, and techniques, students are bound to succeed in their typing journey.