Learn Danish vocabulary by typing words and phrases from flashcards. The flashcard summary allows you to check your progress and select flashcards to learn.
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Phonetic Symbols in Danish Pronunciation
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) provides a standardized set of symbols to represent the sounds of spoken language. Below are the IPA symbols for Danish pronunciation, with examples and descriptions, including the pronunciation of these sounds in English.
Danish Vowels
- /a/ - as in kat, pronounced /kat/ (like "a" in father /ˈfɑːðər/)
- /ɛ/ - as in mænd, pronounced /mɛn/ (like "e" in bed /bɛd/)
- /i/ - as in mit, pronounced /mit/ (like "ee" in see /siː/)
- /o/ - as in sol, pronounced /soːl/ (like "o" in not /nɒt/)
- /u/ - as in hus, pronounced /huːs/ (like "oo" in boot /buːt/)
- /ø/ - as in høre, pronounced /ˈhøːrə/ (like "u" in nurse /nɜːs/)
- /æ/ - as in mærke, pronounced /ˈmɛrkə/ (like "a" in cat /kæt/)
- /y/ - as in by, pronounced /byː/ (like "u" in menu /məˈnjuː/)
Danish Diphthongs
- /ɑu̯/ - as in hav, pronounced /hɑu̯/ (like "ow" in how /haʊ/)
- /ɔi̯/ - as in løj, pronounced /lɔi̯/ (like "oy" in boy /bɔɪ/)
- /iu̯/ - as in bi, pronounced /biu̯/ (similar to "you" in few /fjuː/)
Danish Consonants
- /p/ - as in pige, pronounced /ˈpiːə/ (like "p" in pen /pɛn/)
- /b/ - as in barn, pronounced /baːn/ (like "b" in bat /bæt/)
- /t/ - as in tage, pronounced /ˈtæːə/ (like "t" in top /tɒp/)
- /d/ - as in dag, pronounced /dæː/ (like "d" in dog /dɒɡ/)
- /k/ - as in kat, pronounced /kat/ (like "k" in cat /kæt/)
- /ɡ/ - as in gave, pronounced /ˈɡæːvə/ (like "g" in go /ɡoʊ/)
- /f/ - as in fisk, pronounced /fɛsk/ (like "f" in fun /fʌn/)
- /v/ - as in vase, pronounced /ˈvɛːsə/ (like "v" in voice /vɔɪs/)
- /s/ - as in søster, pronounced /ˈsøstər/ (like "s" in see /siː/)
- /z/ - as in zebra, pronounced /ˈzeːbrə/ (like "z" in zebra /ˈzɛbrə/)
- /ʃ/ - as in shop, pronounced /ʃɔp/ (like "sh" in shoe /ʃuː/)
- /ɕ/ - as in tjener, pronounced /ˈɕeːnər/ (similar to "ch" in chill /tʃɪl/)
- /t͡s/ - as in tids, pronounced /t͡sɪts/ (like "ts" in cats /kæts/)
- /d͡ʒ/ - as in djøf, pronounced /d͡ʒøf/ (like "j" in jam /dʒæm/)
- /ɲ/ - as in kongen, pronounced /ˈkɔɲən/ (like "ny" in canyon /ˈkænjən/)
- /l/ - as in lam, pronounced /lam/ (like "l" in leaf /liːf/)
- /r/ - as in ræv, pronounced /ræu̯/ (like "r" in carrot /ˈkærət/)
- /ʁ/ - as in råd, pronounced /ʁɔːð/ (a uvular fricative, not present in English)
- /m/ - as in mand, pronounced /man/ (like "m" in man /mæn/)
- /n/ - as in nat, pronounced /nat/ (like "n" in net /nɛt/)
Unique Features of Danish Pronunciation
While Danish pronunciation shares similarities with other Scandinavian languages, it also has unique features that are important for learners to understand.
- Stød: A glottal stop or creaky voice that can change the meaning of words. For example, hun (she) vs. hund (dog) /hʊn/ vs. /hunʔ/.
- Soft D: The letter "d" is often pronounced as a soft /ð/ sound, similar to "th" in this /ðɪs/.
- Vowel Reduction: In unstressed syllables, vowels are often reduced to a schwa /ə/, making some words tricky to distinguish.
- Vowel Harmony: Danish features front and back vowel harmony, which affects the pronunciation of vowels within the same word.